You know it when you see it!
Even if you don’t know what compression is, you would have seen it before. People laying on comfy chairs or lounges with their legs covered in these cool looking full leg length boots. That is one of the main ways to use compression.
Compression has become part of the Recovery revolution we see around the world and it’s usually the go to for many facilities dipping their toes into the Recovery pool.
But what does compression do besides feel nice on your legs! If you look at most suppliers of compression boots you will see many of the same claims to the benefits.
Decrease inflammation
Decrease pain or post workout fatigue
Increase flow of lymph
Increase circulation
Increased Recovery
One important piece of the compression puzzle though needs to be if this type of compression right for everybody or when should you avoid it.
Arguably, one of the biggest issues in the world today is inflammation in the tissues of the body. Lots of practitioners and body workers, acupuncturists, physical therapists all seem to relate to the fact that not being able to flush toxins from the body is one of the leading causes of inflammation. Where people tend to hold a lot of these toxins through inflammation is in the stomach, hips and mid section of the body.
So if we take a look at the benefits and we see increased circulation of blood and lymph, then we can assume increased circulation of toxins. The question is because most compression boots end at the top of the legs “is compression pushing the toxins into an area of the body that is already inflamed by toxins and does not remove them well.
Possibly a way to think about this is to push the blood and lymph around into areas where the body does a better job of clearing those toxins and not pooling them. More targeted compression could be the solution to this problem.
Targetting an area like the hips or the mid section or like the picture above just the calves might help flush the toxins through the parts of the body where they normally sit and create kaos to our overall health and wellness
If you are a person who carries inflammation from food allergies, post workout, stress, then possibly breaking up the type of compression is key or use a Percussion gun on your upper body while sitting in the boots to encourage the upper body to increase circulation and keep pushing the lymph higher up the body where it needs to go.